Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have a few goals for once I am finished here and I get back home:

  1. Get a job.  Even if it's only a crappy temporary job while I search for bigger and better opportunities.  The trick will be, however, to not get stuck in said temporary job - more adventures must be had after I leave Cardiff.
  2. Practice and improve my guitar skills.  I've had that thing sitting around since my high school graduation and I've never gotten very far with it - it's time to get crackin'.  I can't REALLY even blame college busyness, because it's mostly just laziness.  Since I've been here, though, my guitar has probably been the most-missed of my things from home.
  3. Brush up on my Latin.  I love that dead language to pieces, but I have forgotten SO MUCH since I studied (i.e. ate, slept, and breathed) it three years ago.  In my area of academic interest it would be extremely beneficial to have a better grasp of Latin.  Plus, it's classy.
  4. Read more.  Not the mindless historical novels that I am oh-so-fond of, but academic books.  With these I can continue learning more about the areas of history that either interest me or that I am completely ignorant of, and in so doing, prevent my brain from turning to mush once I am no longer in a set study-regime.